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Dan Koe : If you didn't create the "why" behind your Actions, stop doing it.

Jim Rohn … and … not !? https://youtube.com/shorts/asDLHtITMVk

Simon Sinek : how do I find my why ? Ask your best Friend … why are we Friendshttps://youtube.com/shorts/9WbxYjzhkp4

... anything ...

Why Complex Systems Collapse Faster - https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/why-complex-systems-collapse-faster - All civilizations collapse. The challenge is how to slow it down enough to prolong our Happiness.


If the Why is clear … the how is easy … https://youtube.com/shorts/5NTfkcmkQcI

Example … why practise https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfA8RZCDMKO/





Tags: Why, RAQ, FAQ