Justin Welsh

This revision is from 2023/11/29 15:44. You can Restore it.


  1. A life spending my time on what I want, when I want, and with whom I want.
  2. A life where I do very little of what I don’t like and a lot of what I do.
  3. A life with limited obligations and as much freedom as possible.
  4. A life free of traditional full-time employment.

How to make your first $1 on the internet: https://twitter.com/thejustinwelsh/status/1729489575557435569

  1. Talk to People - You can't make a dollar without understanding people's problems.
  2. Grow a small audience - Start sharing info and advice they care about.
  3. Build an email list - Once you have a small audience, then consider showing off more of your expertise.
  4. Use easy tech - Tech doesn't matter in the beginning.
  5. Build an Offer - If you have a small email list, you need something to offer them.
  6. Sell Something - If you've done all of this, you'll likely find a few people book with you.

Why you should consider quitting your Job in 2024: https://twitter.com/thejustinwelsh/status/1717173173362233411

  1. The Internet - There has never been a better time to start an internet business. You have access to 4.9B potential customers. Break your current earnings into weekly chunks. Can you find enough people to pay you each week for your knowledge or services? Likely yes.
  2. Your Health
  3. Your Family
  4. Your Time
  5. Loyalty
  6. Leverage
  7. Flexibility
  8. Purpose
  9. Joy - We all think we want happiness, but what we really want is joy. Happiness is fleeting moments. Joy means making an important impact during our lives. By betting on yourself and aligning with a higher purpose, you give yourself the best shot of living a joyful life.
  10. Regret
  11. Last Note - Do I think everyone should quit their job? Of course not. That's silly. Do I think that people should think through what it would look like? Feel like? How they would do it? What they would build? Of course. Simply consider it. No harm in that. Have an Awesome day.


Tags: People