
Bharani vs Kuravanji … https://youtube.com/shorts/lP1lJsbnXVE

Or Shortcut https://youtube.com/shorts/xHKxscymmgc

The Law of least effort https://youtube.com/shorts/CfY82VWsoKk … Poddar College … IIM … McKinsey

Ryan Holiday : Focus on effort, not Outcomes. As Marcus Aurelius said, it’s insane to tie your wellbeing to things outside of your control. If you did your best, if you gave it your all, if you acted with your best judgment—that is a win…regardless of whether it’s a good or bad outcome.

Sahil Bloom : My grandfather used to say effort was the great equalizer. You can’t buy effort. You can’t pay someone to: https://twitter.com/SahilBloom/status/1744736025367457901

  1. do that workout
  2. build a loving partnership
  3. create a parent-child bond
  4. find inner peace

Rich or poor, the stakes are always the same to earn things that matter.
