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Before you quit People / Job … what perspective shift is the situation about to create in life … Jay Shettyhttps://youtube.com/shorts/kGh9Jk5BYf4


I Quit - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/adriantanck_i-quit-it-was-planned-for-but-came-after-activity-6995671449852125184-fOUy

It was planned for but came after a disagreement at work.

The trigger wasn’t one-off.

Knowing myself better, I should have known not to join a quasi government body.

It is like chalk and cheese.

But I stupidly ignored the red flags early on and took up the role because it sounds really interesting and in fact, something I had dreamed of before.

But a creative person like me has no role in a linear, bureaucracy.

Half way through my journey, I even caught myself ignoring the BS that is permeating across the ranks.

So I’m glad the disagreement came. Mixed with my impulsiveness, I decided enough is enough.

As Thomas Huxley said: “It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than go right in chains” Thomas Henry Huxley


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