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18 Guiding Principles

Anil Dash You have to start with the principle. ... The truth is, though, that you have to stand for something ... one of the most inspiring parts of Barack Obama's first presidential campaign (which, after a decade and a half, seems oddly almost forgotten) was his principled stance on the Iraq War ...

11 Principles of Engineering Management -

In 2007, Charlie Munger gave a speech at the USC School of Law. It contained his most crucial ideas for living deliberately. If you can master these 9 principles, they'll change your life (and help you live a better one):

  1. To get what you want, deserve what you want. No one will just give you trust, success, and admiration. You must earn it.
  2. Acquire wisdom, for it's both a moral duty and a practical one.
  3. Learn the big multidisciplinary ideas of the world and use them regularly
  4. Think through problems forward and backward.
  5. Be reliable. Unreliability can cancel out the other virtues.
  6. Avoid intense ideologies.
  7. Do the work to have an opinion of your own.
  8. Avoid being part of a system with perverse incentives.
  9. You’ll achieve the greatest success where you’re most intensely interested.

The Heilmeier Catechism


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