Peter Attia

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A very thoughtful and frank set of responses to commonly asked questions about patient responsibility in one’s own health & longevity from @PeterAttiaMD - @nytimes - Want to Live Longer and Healthier? Peter Attia Has a Plan —-

Peter Attia is the #1 longevity doctor. He charges $150,000 a year to be his patient. His 13-steps for a long healthy life:

  1. Our Goal - Lifespan is the number of years you live. Healthspan is how long you’re healthy enough to do the things that matter to you. Longevity means maximizing healthspan and lifespan. Our goal is to live longer and live better. It all starts with prevention...
  2. Avoid Icebergs. Medicine 2.0 (medicine today) deals with problems after they present themselves. Medicine 3.0 focuses on prevention over cures. We are trying to avoid icebergs in the distance. It is better and easier to avoid the first heart attack than treat it after.
  3. The 4 Horsemen - There are four major killer diseases: 1. Cardiovascular disease 2. Cancer 3. Neurodegenerative disease 4. Type 2 diabetes and metabolic dysfunction. Metabolic health is the common thread. Exercise is our best prevention.
  4. Exercise is "by far the most potent longevity drug”. Weekly: 1) Weight training 3 days 2) Zone 2 training 3 hours 3) VO2 max training 1 day - Get as fit as possible to prepare for natural decline with age - Zone 2 training to stimulate mitochondrial function.
  5. Marginal Decade - You want to intentionally train for the activities you care most about continuing into your later years. Build up the strength and stamina while young to combat the predictable decline as you age. Want to ski at 80? You better be in top 1% condition at 50.
  6. Diet - Protein
  7. Diet Questions
  8. Sleep
  9. Heart Disease
  10. Cancer
  11. Neurodegenerative Disease
  12. Metabolic Dysfunction
  13. Emotional Health
  14. TLDR on Longevity: Prevention is our best medicine. 1) Exercise often 2) Sleep well 3) Eat clean

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