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by Jordan Peterson

Role of a parent is to expect the highest behaviour / potential …

David Morris : 9 commitments every parent should make:

  1. "I will take pride in being taken for granted." - Parenting is a thankless job. - As an approval addict, this bothered me. Until it hit me ⏤ I want to be taken for granted. It's a compliment. It means you're there for your kids so consistently that they stop noticing.
  2. "I will lavishly express my love."
  3. "I will choose to be proud of matter what."
  4. "I will do what's required to be available."
  5. "I will be the first to forgive."
  6. "I will always work for their good...even when they don't see it."
  7. "I will be the mature one."
  8. "I will be undignified and unabashed in my pursuit of play."
  9. "I will enjoy being a parent."